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페이지 정보

작성자 희망연대 댓글 0건 조회 1,044회 작성일 01-09-29 21:05


영문 성명서 수정본입니다.
글쓴이:콩깍지2001-09-29 21:05:00
희망연대 가족 여러분,
사랑하는 가족들과 함께 따뜻한 추석 보내시길...

이 글은 얼마전 올렸던 영문 성명서를 미국에 있는 제 친구의 도움을 받아
일부 수정한 겁니다. 앞의 글보다 문맥이나 표현이 훨씬 매끄러우니
이 글로 바꾸어 올려주세요.

To the U.S. Embassy

We extend our deepest sorrow for the people who have lost their families
recently by terrorism on Tuesday, September 11, 2001 and we share in the
anguish of the American people.

God knows we agree that neither terrorism nor violence on innocent civilians
can be forgiven or justified.  By the same reasoning, we also know that any
military response cannot be justified until we think about what the real causes

We are so disappointed with the military retaliation campaign by US
government.  It is absolutely inappropriate to bring this kind of justice to not
only the American people, but also the people of the world.

We have heard President Bush say, "The use of an atomic bomb is under
consideration." "We are ready to conduct unfair war” and "It must be a holy
war.” We can't believe that the President really meant to say that, not because
he shouldn't show his strong leadership, but because he seems to believe
that he can eliminate all terrorism in the world.

We don't mean to dispute the truth that many American people have suffered
horrible tragedy.  However, it is apparent that the "eye for an eye" leaves the
whole world blind and that it could have negative impact on the people of the
world as well as the American people.

It is highly recommended that the U.S. government listen to the conscientious
voices who try to keep any further violence away from innocent people.

History has proven that many innocent people have been lost by the two wars
in Vietnam and in the Middle East simply because of anti-communism and pro-
Israel policy by the U.S. government.  God understands why some people in
the world get angry and frustrated with the U.S. government.

It is not only that we are worried about the U.S. military campaign against
Afghanistan, but also that this military action may lead to the expansion of
armaments and militarism in the world.

Specifically, we have heard that Japan has expressed its intention to join the
Self-Defense Force to aid the U.S. military campaign in Afghanistan.  It is
possible that the Japanese intend to take advantage of the calamity in the U.S.
and to revive their militarism by amending the Self-Defense Force Law and
increasing their armaments.   It would be not only a big change of their power
balance, but also an invisible threat against the peace in Northeast Asia.

We reiterate that we definitely believe that an eye for eye is not the correct
solution to any terrorism or violence.  There must be another way that we can
bring forth justice and keep any evil away from us.

Therefore, we strongly recommend that the U.S. government reconsider taking
action on terrorism by military force.  Stability must be achieved by a plausible
and peaceful settlement.  We will gladly cooperate in the reconstruction and
revival of prosperity in the U.S.  May God go with all American families.


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